Vision therapy is a dynamic field that offers effective solutions for various vision-related challenges. Whether you're dealing with eye conditions from childhood or facing new visual issues as an adult, vision therapy might be the solution you’ve been seeking.
Conditions that Can Benefit from Vision Therapy
- Amblyopia (Lazy Eye):
Amblyopia occurs when one eye doesn't develop proper visual abilities, leading to reduced vision. Vision therapy can encourage the weaker eye to work more efficiently and strengthen its visual function. - Strabismus (Crossed Eyes):
Strabismus affects eye alignment, and vision therapy can help train the eyes to work together correctly, helping restore binocular vision. - Convergence Insufficiency:
Vision therapy exercises can improve convergence abilities for individuals who struggle with maintaining eye alignment for close-up tasks like reading. - Eye-Tracking Issues:
Vision therapy can address difficulties in the smooth tracking of objects, making tasks like reading or following a moving target more manageable. - Visual Processing Disorders:
Vision therapy can aid in improving the brain's processing of visual information, enhancing overall visual perception. - Post-Concussion Vision Problems:
After a concussion, vision issues may arise, including double vision and tracking difficulties. Vision therapy can help regain visual function. - Visual Discomfort:
Frequent headaches, eye strain, or discomfort during visual tasks can be alleviated through vision therapy. - Post-Stroke Vision Difficulties:
Vision therapy can improve visual function after a stroke by addressing issues like blurred vision and depth perception.
When Should You Consider Vision Therapy?
Children Experiencing Reading Difficulties
If reading difficulties affect your child’s academic performance, vision therapy can help by improving those visual skills crucial for reading and learning.
If you or a loved one experiences ongoing headaches due to vision problems, it might be a good time to explore the benefits of vision therapy.
Eye Focusing Problems
Whether it's difficulty shifting focus between near and distant objects or sustaining focus, vision therapy can enhance the ability to focus correctly.
After medical or surgical treatment for a vision-related condition, vision therapy can help further enhance visual function and quality of life.
Vision Therapy in Hudson
Meet our Eye Doctors

- Monday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday Closed
- Medicare
- United Healthcare
- Aetna
- Cigna
- Spectera
- Davis Vision
- EyeMed
- Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Regain Your Vision and Clarity with Christenson Vision Care
Vision therapy is a versatile solution that can address a broad spectrum of vision challenges. If you or someone you know is grappling with these conditions, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with us. Let us assist you in improving your visual health and overall well-being.